免费2012-01-01那狗那猫A dog-like guy keeping a cat, a cat-like girl keeping a dog and their sometimes sweet, sometimes sour love story. This film is Korea's and the world's first feature film shot 100% with an iPhone 4s.
VIP2016-04-27贪婪之星Since 1997, the Republic of Korea has been sold for 30 trillion won. After the IMF, foreign capitals took 30 trillion won in profits from Korea 'the Land of Opportunities'. While investors with blue eyes and black haired foreigners hit the jackpot, our workplaces disappeared and life became poor. There is no way you can become rich by working hard because of a secret.
免费2009-10-22娜娜阳光冤 冤 相 报 何 时 了 ? S u j i n 性 情 孤 僻 , 漂 亮 动人却从未谈过恋爱;她文采出众,是难得一见的编剧人材。Mira在画馆被施暴,错手杀掉施暴者 , 这 宗 突 如 其 来 的 谋 杀 案 正 好 为 S u j i n 带 来改 编 剧 本 的 好 提 材 。 即 使 警 方 断 定 是 自 卫 杀人,Sujin深信案中有案,认定一切都是Mira储心 积 累 的 复 仇 计 划 ...原 来 S u j i n 有 著 不 为人知的过去,其笔下的杀手Lala,是纯粹参照Mira,还是戏中有戏?「不要自己伸冤,宁可让步,听凭主怒」,复仇是否能超脱一切?太阳底下,冷冰冰的现实、剧本、梦境和回忆扭曲重叠,分不清真假先后,Sujin、Mira和Lala更是不分你我她,格局David Lynch得来却相当写实。