免费2008-01-01西部铁血风云Already taking a gamble settling in the uncharted west, the peaceful settlers of a town destined for railroad greatness suddenly find themselves being ruthlessly gunned down. With no law and order to be found, justice falls onto the shoulders of an elderly rancher and an accomplished, but retired, gunslinger.
VIP2008-01-01狂热草原For some, the Western trail was a destination for oppurtunity and adventure. For others, it was the centerpiece for danger and despair. When ex-lawman Preston Biggs is hired to escort a group of women suffering from prairie fever back to civilization, they are met by a killer gang intent on stopping their passage. With a seemingly impossible journey ahead, the group finds one last hope when they are joined by a beautiful woman who has the firepower and the will to match anyone.
VIP2008-06-06别惹佐汉佐汉·德沃(亚当·桑德勒 Adam Sandler 饰)是一名供职于以色列情报机关摩萨德的特工人员,他身手矫健,力大无穷,而且天赋异秉。闲暇时沟女享乐,优哉游哉;接到任务时,便披挂上阵与来自巴勒斯坦的恐怖分子展开惊险刺激的对决。他干掉的对手不计其数,俨然一个新时代的救世主。但是谁都想不到,这个阳刚味儿十足的爷们儿心中竟然有着当美发师的梦想。他早已厌倦了打打杀杀的生活,渴望为了自己的理想而努力。某天,机会终于降临。佐汉假装在执行任务时死亡,从而逃离以色列,来到繁华时尚的美国。在这个完全陌生的国度,佐汉闹出了不少的笑话。但是,只要心中有梦,他便无所畏惧,勇往直前……