VIP2004-01-01尼斯湖事件Can't say too much without giving crucial elements away. Just saw this at a screening in Boston and thought it was one of the more clever independent films I've seen in the past two years. Any cinema buffs, sci-fi fans, or documentary-lovers would find this a very inventive, well-executed, and highly entertaining piece. It seems like it would be unforgivable of any fan of Werner Herzog's to not see this film. You don't need to be a fan of his films to thoroughly enjoy this doc though. I have never seen one of his films before, but I went right out and rented two of them after seeing this film. Great cinematography, fantastic drama, some laughs, and some pretty terrifying footage that you won't believe you just saw!
VIP2021-11-10大红狗(普通话) 影片改编自同名畅销童书《Clifford the Big Red Dog》,讲述在纽约,小女孩Emily Elizabeth得到了一条小狗,这只名叫克里弗的红色狗子乖巧可爱,成为了在学校不合群、孤独的她的好朋友。但狗狗慢慢长成了庞然大物,被一家生物基因公司看上了,Emily和叔叔Casy必须带着它逃开贪婪之人的追捕。
VIP1999-12-03狗仔大饭店瑞奇和爱迪是一家名叫“Guest House Paradiso”饭店的负责人,这家饭店可说是全英国最糟的饭店,饭店本身的服务品质已非常的糟,平时就已经没什么生意,加上唯一会煮饭的非法移民厨师落跑之后,饭店的生意可说是更为惨澹经营。但为了维持生活还是得硬著头皮继续经营下去。这家饭店不但是家超低水准的黑店外,掌管饭店的两位经理人更是怪到了极点,尤其是瑞奇(里克·梅耶尔 饰)总喜欢窥视住在饭店里的客人,他透过秘密通道大胆的进入客房内,甚至还变态的穿起女客人的情趣内衣大展性感。怎知自己的特殊癖好被发现后,一心想要取回证据因而展开了饭店狗仔老板大战房客的一连串有趣画面。