免费2023-01-01尚格·云顿JCVD是尚格·云顿的名字JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME的首字母缩写。本片是尚格·云顿的一部半自传性质的影片,他在片中对自己曾经是动作片明星而大开自己的玩笑。他从美国回到比利时家乡,想寻找在美国所没有的平静的生活,但却面临税务问题、与他的妻子争夺儿子的监护权的官司、动作片不景气时期,而且还卷入一桩银行抢劫案。
免费1969-05-23钻石手Semyon Gorbunkov goes on a cruise. In Istanbul, he slips and breaks his arm. What he didn't know is that this was a signal for a gang of smugglers (a real smuggler - Gena - was also on board the same ship). So his arm gets bandaged with gold and diamonds. After he returns home, the gangsters are trying to get their stuff back, while the police try to catch them using Gorbunkov and his arm.