VIP1959-01-01七里伏Ralph Anderson returns to his remote California hometown for the first time in many years. Now a lawyer, he has been estranged from his father, Lloyd, and brother, Tippy, ever since being sent to reform school as a youth for stealing a car, taking the blame for his brother's crime.Lloyd is now sheriff and Tippy his deputy. Forced to represent a wanted criminal, Ralph asks the law to look the other way while a local airfield is used to enable the mobster, Massonetti, to flee the country. A disgusted Lloyd agrees to help, but Tippy decides to arrest Massonetti and cash in on a big reward.Tippy's beautiful wife Linda was once the love of Ralph's life and regrets his long absence. She is tired of Tippy's shiftless, drunken ways and Lloyd's domineering rule of the family.Massonetti arrives in town, backed by Davis, his top thug. Tippy and two deputies, Karger and Eddie, make an amateurish attempt to capture Massonetti, only to get Lloyd shot and killed while trying to stop them. Ralph manages to get Massonetti behind bars at the town jail.The mob cuts off phone communication and highway access to the town. Ralph suggests driving Massonetti to the authorities in Barstow in the mobster's own fast car. Noticing the tension between the brothers, Massonetti taunts them both and offers $25,000 to tempt Tippy into betraying Ralph and setting him free.On the road, deputy Eddie is ambushed and the brothers learn that Linda has been abducted. A deal is made to get her back, but Karger is killed and the car is disabled. Ralph manages to get the four of them to a gas station, where the owner is found shot. In a fight for the gun, Ralph is winged and Tippy seriously wounded.Borrowing a miner's jeep, Ralph drives Massonetti to a main highway, where two policemen take them into custody. They turn out to be impostors who drive Massonetti to an air strip where Davis is waiting with a plane. After they board, Ralph drives the car into the plane, overturning it. He drags Massonetti from th
VIP2006-01-01重振球风肖恩(Dwayne Douglas Johnson)是少年监管所的管理员,每天都为少年犯之间的纷争而烦恼。在他看来这些少年犯在这样的监禁环境下根本无法洗心革面,他的工作毫无意义。在年迈母亲的鼓励下,肖恩决定用橄榄球改变孩子们的人生,将他们拉回正轨。尽管通过艰难的游说,肖恩终于说服高校赛季同意他带领少年犯参赛,但说服这些问题少年组成一只真正的队伍更加困难重重。肖恩用自己的强硬和对孩子们的信任打动了他们,组建了一只“野马队”。在他看来,帮孩子们找回失去的人生比赢得比赛更为重要。很快他们参赛了,一路风雨兼程,这只特殊队伍回取得怎样的成绩呢?
免费2003-01-01意大利任务查理(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)本来可以拿着抢劫回来的那箱黄金安度余生,同伙史蒂夫(爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton饰)的出卖却让他的阵脚大乱。史蒂夫不但独吞了巨款逃亡洛杉矶,还害得查理尝尽牢狱之苦。现在从监狱出来的查理,正踌躇满志要找史蒂夫算上一帐。他网罗了盗窃高手——美女斯黛拉(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰)专门负责开保险柜,而他和其他搭档,则全力设计出一条通畅的大道,供迅速逃跑之用。斯黛拉前往引史蒂夫上勾,却被老奸巨猾的史蒂夫识破。查理则飞速的破坏了洛杉矶的红绿灯系统,洛杉矶发生了蔚为壮观的大塞车,然而,令他们意外的是,逃脱没有如此简单——史蒂夫没有驱车追赶,他用了一辆直升飞机,在他们上空穷追不舍。洛杉矶的地下隧道和街头小巷,陷入了一片混战。