免费1962-01-01紧急盯梢令Father Joe Dasco, played by actor Bing Russell, is realeased from prison after servering a three year term for bank robber. He reunites with his ten year old son, played by actor Billy E. Hughes, Jr. The two go from place to place looking for work in the oil fields of Texas. Not able to hold a job, Joe Dasco, Sr. along with actor, Bill Foster and Robert "Whitey" Hughes, scheme a kidnapping of an oil barons son, played by Christopher Wayne. The kiddnapping goes sour and Joe Dasco is shot and killed, leaving his Joey [Billy E. Hughes, Jr.] to be award of the state
VIP1992-03-06弄巧成拙Phoebe and fellow American Julian Peters meet in Rome, find a lost dog, and agree to return it to Monte Carlo to split the five thousand dollar reward. Discovering the dog's owner dead, they panic and become fugitives. Other victims of misfortune also become suspects, as the plot twists and luck and judgment desert everyone.
VIP2004-01-01杀死比尔2“黑蛇”(乌玛•瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)继续上一集未完的复仇之旅。探听得知,前比尔的贴身保镖“响尾蛇”洗手不干后住在得克萨斯州的奥斯汀。当她晚上悄悄溜到“响尾蛇”住的拖车上时,却中了埋伏,被“响尾蛇”用枪击中胸部并被麻醉了。“响尾蛇”将“黑蛇”装到棺材里填埋了。此时,“黑蛇”苏醒过来,运用她的师傅百位老道所传授的功夫从棺材里脱身。当她回到“响尾蛇”所住的拖车时,发现“响尾蛇”和另一个追杀目标“加利福尼亚蛇”正在交易她随身携带的宝刀。打斗中,“加利福尼亚蛇”放出的巴曼蛇咬死了“响尾蛇”。“黑蛇”终于见到比尔了,并揭开了自己满门被杀的真相。
免费1996-01-01冰血暴汽车经理谢利(威廉姆·H·梅西 William H. Macy 饰)有一个完美的兴建停车场的计划,他多次找他的有钱岳父威利借钱,可是一毛不拔的威利始终没答应。无奈之下,谢利只有找到卡奥(史蒂夫·布西密 Steve Buscemi 饰)和基亚(彼得·斯特曼 Peter Stormare 饰),请他们绑架自己的妻子以勒索威利100万,事成后给他两4万酬金。3人一拍即合。当谢利回到家时,威利告诉他可以考虑一下他的计划了。喜出望外的谢利马上找到了威利,然而威利并不是要借钱,而是想自己投资。失望的谢利回到家时发现妻子已经被绑架了。卡奥和基亚在绑票得手后逃跑时,又意外打死了一名警察和两名路人,事情开始闹得越来越大……