  • 免费2013-01-01善与恶的房子After a family tragedy in the chaotic city, Chris and Maggie Conley, in a last-ditch effort to save their dying marriage, purchase an isolated home in the deepest woods, to which they quickly discover evil has a key.
  • VIP2013-01-30荒野寻踪1886年的新墨西哥州人迹罕至。年轻时抛妻弃女的塞繆尔,时至晚年方知当年犯下大错。随即决定离别久居的印第安人部落,重返阔别已久的家园,寻找几十年未曾谋面的亲人。时过境迁,不如人愿。当年爱妻已不在人世,女儿迈姬也已为人母,由于丈夫过早离世,她带着两个女儿艰难度日。父亲的突然出现,令迈姬大感意外。尽管父亲向其忏悔自己以前的所为,迈姬根本不予接受。就在父女二人僵持阶段,迈姬的大女儿莉莉遭到了神秘杀人团伙的绑架,生命命悬一线。万般无奈之下,迈姬向其父塞繆尔寻求帮助。父女俩冰释前嫌,在荒凉的新墨西哥州开始了艰难的寻找……
  • 免费2013-01-01最后的救援布鲁克本来拥有平静幸福的生活,但是在一次醉酒,惨遭绑架拘禁之后,她的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。在她重拾信心,努力找回原来生活的时候,关于绑架的一系列阴谋也开始浮出水面,而她的密友居然也参与其中。
  • 免费2013-08-29海啸奇迹在经历了有史以来最可怕的一次大灾难的洗劫之后,5个被迫分开的家人,在一片废墟与泥泞当中,努力地寻找回家的路,即使他们不知道对方的生死,却凭借着信念不断地前进着...
  • 免费2013-01-01蚂蚁杀手无数袭击人类的蚂蚁的出现,使男女主人公体会到什么才是真正的恐怖。
  • 免费2013-03-12复仇木偶人Ooga Booga是一个男孩的亡魂附体的玩偶,他希望可以通过女友的协助帮他找到真凶,当然整个过程也不乏搞笑元素,Ooga Booga这个娃娃玩偶可以成功吗?
  • 免费2013-01-01都市.爱.欲望A modern Giallo horror film, CITY OF LUST tells the story of a lonely young woman who begins an unlikely relationship with dire consequences. Arianna is a young woman who moves to the city to escape a traumatic family life in the suburbs. She works as a cosmetologist and is showing early signs of formaldehyde poisoning. New to the city and lonely, she reaches out to a female sex line operator. They agree to meet and soon begin a volatile relationship. An altercation at work results in Arianna losing her job. Then, people in her life begin to turn up dead. With Arianna's health, career, and new relationship all disintegrating before her eyes, how much longer can she, and those around her, survive?
  • VIP2013-01-06鬼火独自一个人花一个晚上在一个闹鬼的剧院的大量现金奖。他会活到早上吗?
  • 免费2013-01-01观光路线一对老友在公路旅行中被困沙漠,屡次求助无门酷暑难挡使他们暴力相向。
  • 免费2013-01-01火速搭档Rushlights” revolves around Billy Brody (Joilly Brody (Josh Henderson) and Sarah (Haley Webb),two delinquent young lovers from the suburbs of Los Angeles, traveling to ag lovers from the suburbs of Los Angeles, traveling to asmall Texas town to falsely claim a dead friend’s inheritance. The two teens,haunted by their own dubious pasts while pursuing their scam, wind up in anightmare of greed and betrayal when confronted with the twisted and bizarreunderworld of Tremo, TX – population 2870.


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