免费2007-01-01预见未来尽管很多人觉得拥有超能力是一件好事,但事实却偏偏和想象中相反。克里斯(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)天生具有预测未来的能力,但他从小就在痛苦中度过:各种机构、政府、医院都对他极感兴趣,以至他快乐的童年都在测试和研究中度过。成年后的克里斯隐形埋名混迹于赌城拉斯维加斯,不时去赌博一下赢点小钱。因为一个恐怖组织预谋要炸毁洛杉矶,特工凯莉(朱丽安•摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)找到了克里斯帮忙。然而,这预测未来的超能力现在令克里斯痛苦万分,因为他预测到无论多么努力,洛杉矶最终还是会被炸毁,而且他的爱人也会在此劫难中死去……
免费1946-09-06美人计二战刚刚结束,莉亚(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman饰)作为战犯的女儿被美国联邦调查局相中,利用她对父亲罪恶的负疚和其父在纳粹阵营内的关系网络,深入调查纳粹首脑契巴斯(克劳德·雷恩斯Claude Rains饰),获得情报将其定罪。联邦调查员迪奥(加里·格兰特Cary Grant饰)在与莉亚合作的过程中,深深爱上这个迷人的姑娘。然而二人感情还是要服从国家利益,因此他将私情搁置一边,忍痛让莉亚成为契巴斯身边的女人。莉亚深深失望的同时,也在契巴斯的生活中充当了间谍的角色,处于危机四伏的环境当中。等到莉亚终于发现了契巴斯的关键情报,不料却被契巴斯发现了自己的真实身份。然而,契巴斯也有自己投鼠忌器的顾虑,为了置莉亚于死地,契巴斯设计了一个不动声色的计谋。莉亚境况堪忧,间谍计划悬念重重。
免费1997-01-01缘分由天Gwen grows up with her romantic mother constantly telling her the story of her courtship and marriage to her father. Nick grows up with an alcoholic father who can't hold a job and whose family, as a result, is forced to move all the time. The two are shaped by this - Gwen a romantic and Nick withdrawn, unsure of himself - as they watch the hugely popular sixties sitcom, "One Big Happy Family." Years later, it is the star of that show, now a child actor gone bad with a history of detox and people always saying, "I thought she was dead," Francesca Lanfield, who connects the two of them, after years of near-misses and almost encounters. Gwen is hired to ghost-write Francesca's autobiography, while Nick, becoming her lover, is the architect who is to design a building on Francesca's property. When Gwen decides to crusade to save Francesca's building, she writes letters to the newspaper which catches Nick's attention - and wins his heart.