VIP2008-01-01女校风波少女克莱尔·里昂斯(艾伦·马洛 Ellen Marlow 饰)随父母从奥兰多搬到西切斯特,由于尚未找到合适住所,里昂斯一家暂时住在朋友威廉姆·布洛克(David Chisum 饰)的家中。布洛克的女儿梅西(伊丽莎白·麦克洛林 Elizabeth McLaughlin 饰)养尊处优,个性张扬,她所就读的奥克特私立女子中学更是一所云集了高贵娇小姐的学校。在她眼里,衣着质朴、个性单纯的克莱尔如同一只丑小鸭。不同的身份和成长环境令两个女孩之间无法建立平等的友情,梅西和同党们在学校里想方设法整治克莱尔,而克莱尔也受虚荣心的驱使,一心结交这群高贵的小姐们。在这一过程中,她们各自迷失了自己……本片根据美国作家Lisi Harrison同名畅销少女小说的第一部改编。
免费2008-02-29誓约Some years ago, while conducting an English language workshop on a hot, dreary afternoon for a large group of students in Singapore, I suddenly felt sorry for them, and decided to tell them a story. It was a romantic love story calculated to make any sixteen-year-old sit up and listen with full attention. I told them about a young Singaporean girl who unexpectedly meets her dream man on a special day - 29 February 1988 - when a quaint old Leap Year custom allows women to make the first move in a romantic encounter. Our heroine does precisely that. Hereafter she and the dream man, both exceptionally attractive and brimming with life's hopes and dreams, are caught in a dizzying spin of events that Fate seems to like visiting upon young lovers. "You will come together at last. But not yet, not yet," says Fate mischievously.The lovers meet every 29 February over 12 years, in breathless negotiations of the many pitfalls along the path of true love which has never run smooth anyway, before their hopes are finally fulfilled in a spectacular millennial culmination worthy of love's loftiest dreams.